E-ISSN: 2548-0294

About the Journal

About the Journal

Aims and Scope
The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science is an international, peer-reviewed, and free of charge journal publishing high-quality, original research. The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science is published three times a year.

The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science publishes studies on physical education and sports teaching, sports teaching methods, sports psychology, sports sociology, scale and performance protocol development studies, kinesiology, exercise physiology, sports medicine, biomechanics, and sports management topics related to sports sciences.

The main purpose of The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science is to publish high-impact articles that fit the journal's scope.

The index of the journal (Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science) should be checked from each database. The management of the journal does not take any responsibility in this regard.

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